
Archive for March, 2019


4 5/8 x 7 inches. Watercolor on 300 lb. hot-press paper.

This is a very little painting of a small section of a panoramic family beach scene. The original photo was one of hundreds of giant (18 ft. x 60 ft.) images that were part of a Kodak advertising campaign in Grand Central Station in the 60’s to the 90’s.

The Hyde Collection in Glens Falls, N.Y. has an exhibit up about these big photo murals. Here’s a link to their online description  of that show:


 At the “open studio” session that referred to the Colorama exhibit, we were supposed to take a part of one of those big photos and make a grid on top of it to assist us in transferring the image to watercolor paper to copy it:


Small part of a panoramic photo of an idyllic Family-at-the-beach scene.




6 1/4 x 10 inches. Ink and watercolor wash in my sketchbook.

My reference for this ink sketch is from a 1977 book that I literally retrieved from a trash can at a nearby bike path that I walk on. Odd place for a “coffee table” book to be discarded.

The building is “St. James Church 1922 by Ralph Adams Cram. Town of Bovina– Delaware County” The book is entitled “On the Mountain, In the Valley. Catskills Architecture 1750-1920.”



12 1/2 x 19 inches. Collage of magazine clippings on heavy drawing paper.

I made this collage at the late February “open studio” at the Hyde Collection. It was supposed to be related to the Colorama exhibit also, in that we were meant to create a “story” in our collage in the way that the colorama murals were highly planned out and arranged ahead of time for a certain effect on the viewer, and with “dominant” and “sub-dominant” parts, intended attention flow, etc.

I ended up ignoring all that and just combined lots of pretty colors. No story at all…..


We tackled an assignment in my art group taught by Diane Steele. She printed out many images of Andrew Wyeth’s work. Each of us had to pick one we liked and do our own version of it. I chose his painting of a Sycamore tree:


“Sycamore Tree” 1982 by Andrew Wyeth. Egg Tempera ? or Gouache? Unknown size.

So this is my version of it:


6 1/4 x 10 1/2″ after “Sycamore Tree” by Andrew Wyeth. Watercolor on 300 lb. cold-press paper.

I enjoyed doing this very much and am quite satisfied with the result. I do see when comparing them though, that there are many sharp corners in the branches of his tree, whereas everything on mine just seems to flow upward and outward. Didn’t plan it that way, just noticed it when I was done. Like they’re two different species of tree.



7 7/8 x 10 3/8 inches. “Resist” and Watercolor on rice paper, mounted on acetate.

This was another experiment that Diane came up with for us. My design for this painting on rice paper resembles some of the stained-glass work I used to do.

I’ve found out that I’m not crazy about doing anything with rice paper……


Thanks for viewing my artistic efforts folks!




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